P esimismo
Asi que la próxima que se te cruce por la cabeza machacarte psicológicamente, pensá en tus virtudes, tus cosas buenas y todo lo que tenés para dar, que la gente se va a dar cuenta de eso y te va a valorar muchisimo mas.
S iriano
Christian Siriano (born November 18, 1985) is an American fashion designer and the winner of the season 4 of Project Runway. In April 2008, Siriano signed on to design a fifteen piece collection for Puma. In May 2008, Siriano designed virtual promwear for Gaia Online's virtual prom. He appeared on Total Request Live to promote the event. As part of hi+s prize for winning Project Runway, Siriano's first collection for Bluefly began retailing on the website in July 2008. Siriano's first fashion line, Christian V. Siriano, debuted at New York Fashion Week on September 11, 2008. He has since shown at New York Fashion Week for the Spring 2009, Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 seasons. His entire Fall 2009 collection was picked up by New York City retailer Saks Fifth Avenue. Shortly after the debut of his line, Siriano began collaborating on a maternity line, Fierce Mamas, with Moody Mamas founders Elise Rosemarin and Marta Abrams.

M arshall
Leanne Marshall was born on October 10, 1980 in Yuba City, California. She is a fashion designer from Portland, Oregon and was the winner of season 5 of Project Runway.
Marshall is a graduate of The Fashion Institute of Desgin & Merchandising in San Francisco and a recipient of their Levi’s Dockers Fashion Designer of Tomorrow award.

C artas
Tal vez sea tarde para comprender que a donde yo voy no me lleva tu tren. Tal vez sea yo quien se calle esta vez. Tengo que colgarte, te llamo después.
Vuelvo a escribir con la luz apagada. Estoy sin estar y pierdo la calma. Huyendo del daño que hacen las palabras, no miro tus fotos ni leo tus cartas.
Otro día más, que se va del calendario mientras grita que no va a volver jamás. Me vuelve a dejar con la duda en los bolsillos y el silencio propio de la soledad.
Tal vez sea tarde para comprender que soy como soy y el mundo es como es. Tal vez seas tu quien se valla esta vez. Tengo que colgarte, te llamo después.